Monday, October 25, 2010

Making a difference in the life of a child

One thing that people around the world have in common is the desire to make a difference in the life of a child.

Whether it be in the United States, Tajikistan, Nicaragua, Indonesia, Haiti, China or in virtually every nation around the world, people care about the health and well being of the world’s most valuable resource – our children.

There are no geographic boundaries for this selfless, heartfelt desire to help children.

Over the last seven days, I’ve looked into the faces of hundreds of Chinese children. The hope in their eyes has overwhelmed my heart.

I met the parents of an 18-month-old boy, who had brought their son to the Shanghai Children’s Medical Center from Tibet, the furthest most, and one of the poorest regions in the west of China. Their son was born with a heart defect, and the doctors and nurses at the SCMC would soon correct the problem, making it possible for the young child to grow and lead a healthy life.

Hope and gratitude were the expressions I saw in the faces of the Tibetan couple. In the past, other children and other families from their village had traveled many hours, if not days, to come to the SCMC to receive similar care.

Having seen the life-changing results for the children from their village, the Tibetan parents I met were confident that the SCMC had the medical staff and capabilities to make a difference in the life of their precious son.

Since you could not travel with me in China, I want to share with you several pictures of the remarkable children that I encountered. I’m sure you will see, as I did, the tremendous hope and passion for life in their young faces.

Enjoy these images, and thank you for your support that has allowed Project HOPE to care for the world’s children for the past 52 years -- and into the future.

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